Geldrop-Mierlo Verweeft & Vermaakt

Wat heb je aan een rijk verleden als je er in het heden te weinig mee kunt / doet. Als je er vandaag de dag niets van maakt. Daarnaast moet je oude roem nieuwe faam geven in een jasje dat past bij het nu. 

What good is a rich past if you cannot or do too little with it in the present? If you don't use it today. In addition, you have to give old glory new fame in a way that suits the present.

Now a little less cryptic:

Let's link the theme Intertwines - the rich history - to the everyday needs of residents and other stakeholders. Let's weave the textile industry - the coat that used to fit the municipality perfectly - with the present and 'Entertain' so it becomes timeless and also appeals to the generation of today.

The rich history and textile industry. 

Geldrop-Mierlo has a lot to offer and connects the surrounding municipalities and its people: lines run towards Geldrop-Mierlo and from the village, there is a lot of action in the region (brainport and South-East Brabant), including the cities Eindhoven and Helmond.

Semi-finished product (making textiles from wool) - is not something you can use or use right away.


The amount of 'attractions', facilities and intiatives that bring living in and visiting Geldrop-Mierlo worthwhile. 

The textile history in a new jacket. Create into a product / brand that fits the current zeitgeist.

Symbolic:Finished product (making clothing from textile) - is something you wear and profit from. A strong promise.